Name............. Insight: Dinosaurs
Publisher........  Optonica Ltd 
Price............ UK: £19.95 NORWAY: 245kr 
CDROMs........... 1
Used Space....... Information not available.
Language......... English
Bootable......... Yes
Filesystem....... Information not available.
Requirements..... Information not available.
Usable Software..

                  Amiga KS1.3+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS2.1+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS3.0+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS3.0+ AGA ......... 100%
                  IBM PC WIN3.1 ............ Information not available.

Release Date..... 1994

Contents......... Multimedia presentation of Dinosaurs.

Access Software.. Information not available.


Testers Opinion.. "The CD is divided into three main sections. First the
                  Life of a Dinosaur includes an explanation of hunting
                  patterns, diet and digestion, and the natural attack and
                  defence mechanisms the creatures evolved. The second section,
                  on the other hand, expounds on the main theories behind the
                  extinction of the dinosaurs. Finally, the third section is
                  an index for immediate access to information on a particular
                   With a dinosaur quiz and chinese puzzle thrown in for good
                  measure, this is an excellent learning tool for children and,
                  for that matter, one which will keep the parents intrigued
                  for a fair while too."
                  Rating: nine out of ten.   (Amiga Computing July 95)

Keywords......... Multimedia

Sources..........  Anders Bakkevold 
                  Johan Eriksson

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